Unleash the power of diamond

DIAMFAB, unleash the full potential of diamond as a semiconductor
Positioned at the forefront of semiconductor technology, DIAMFAB pioneers the deployment of its groundbreaking diamond solution tailored for high-power extreme-condition electronics, and quantum applications.
Exploring further with diamond material
From volume and weight savings to quantum applications, passing by resistance to high temperatures, radiation, and high voltages, diamond offers numerous advantages.

The 5 advantages of diamond
Volume and weight savings
Volume and weight savings
Resistance to high temperature
Resistance to high temperature
Quantum applications
Quantum applications
Resistance to high voltage
Resistance to high voltage
Resistance to radiation
Resistance to radiation
Points to know about diamond as a semiconductor.
The company DIAMFAB is deploying an innovative solution for diamond semiconductors. These synthetic diamonds are designed for high power and extreme conditions.
Press review
Press Release : “Diamfab and HiQuTe Diamond announce a world-first technological partnership”
Power Electronics News: “Revolutionizing Power Electronics With Diamond-Based Semiconductors”
Compound Semiconductor: “The transistor of the future”
Présences: “Diamfab passe à la vitesse supérieure”
France Bleu: “L’Isérois DiamFab lève 8,7 millions pour tester son diamant de synthèse à l’échelle industrielle”
Yole Group: “Are we witnessing the first seed for a “Diamond Valley” in France? – An interview with Diamfab”